Sunday, October 5, 2008


I believe that it is human nature to always want for something more regardless of the circumstances. It is in the human nature to never be quite satisfied...there is always something that we find maybe distasteful, unpleasing, or simply just insufficient. If we could stop being so materialistic and so naïve for one moment, then maybe we would be able to remove the covering from our eyes and see that God has actually supplied us with more than we could ever ask for. Why is it that we automatically search for the wrong in a situation instead of what is right? Is complaining always a “must do” for the day? Did you ever notice that we are on our knees to pray when things are going wrong but we seem to forget about God once he fixes the problem?? God works all day and all night each and everyday of the year…lets give him a break. When you find yourself getting ready to complain or pout about… take a deep breath and smile J Tell God how grateful you are for the many things that you have been blessed with.