Sunday, November 18, 2007

God's Most Beautiful Angel

Did you know that Satan was likely the highest of all angels and the most beautiful of all of God's creations (Ezekiel 28:12-15)?? Initially the Lord showed favoritism over Satan which gave him a big EGO... soon, Envy, pride, and temptation caused him to be cast out of heaven (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17) and allowed to roam the gardens of the Earth. You see Satan no longer wished to be a servant but he actually desired to BE God. With that being said I just wanted to point out that, people AREN'T always what they seem. The most beautiful thing or person in the world to you is not necessarily the best FOR you. Be careful...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Yes... Words Do Hurt!

You remember the old saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" ???? Well, F*** that! I watch what I say and just as important... How I say it. Words are powerful in every aspect. With only a few words you could be placing a scar in someones heart that may never go away, you could be ending someones life and quite frankly you could be hurting yourself. Be careful of how you interact with people. You never know what someone could be going through and your thoughtless Words may be what sends them over the edge. No one person is inferior to another no matter what the situation. Your heart pumps blood to the same beat as mine. Direct your energy to something more meaningful. Bottom line... Words hurt so choose what you say and how you say it wisely. :-)

What is Really Going On?

Why is it that when one of our race makes a statement of correction or shows that he or she has an education during a conversation... the other is quick to call him or her White? Am I the only one to find this ignorance unacceptable? I mean, are you suggesting that because one actually uses what he or is learning in school and applies it to their everyday life that they are White? Then in a sense you are suggesting that intelligence is not a trait of the black community and that ignorance is your preffered source of company. Think about it...Do you actually believe that Black people are not as smart as white people? When you make comments as such, that is exactly what you are suggesting. Again... watch what you say. Choose your words carefully. You better believe that one word from you is more than a mouthful to the listener across from you. A great deal can be revealed about you simply from what comes out of your mouth. Take a moment to think before you speak.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Are Blacks really like this???


For all Black people that realize, it is time to wake up and change! The perception that is cast worldwide of us, it is NOT a good one. We are much stronger and much better than this. Rise up, and work hard to appreciate what your ancestors died to have!!!! There is a disturbing e-mail going around and I think all Black people should read it! If you would like to read this article, I will forward it to you!BLACK PEOPLE, PLEASE, READ & HEED. POIGNANT.The sad thing about this article is that the essence of it is true. The truth hurts. I just hope this sets more Black people in motion towards making real progress. Chris Rock, a Black comedian, even joked that Blacks don't read.Help prove them wrong! Read and pass on.

Please Note:For those of you who heard it, this is the article Dee Lee was reading this morning on a New York radio station. For those of you who didn't hear it, this is very deep.

This is a heavy piece and a Caucasian wrote it. Dee Lee, CFP Harvard Financial Educators THEY ARE STILL OUR SLAVES We can continue to reap profits from the Blacks without the effort of physical slavery Look at the current methods of containment that they use on themselves: IGNORANCE, GREED, and SELFISHNESS.

Their IGNORANCE is the primary weapon of containment. A great man once said, "The best way to hide something from Black people is to put it in a book." We now live in the Information Age. They have gained the opportunity to read any book on any subject through the efforts of their fight for freedom, yet they refuse to read. There are numerous books readily available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and, not to mention their own Black Bookstores that provide solid blueprints to reach economic equality (which should have been their fight all along),but few read consistently, if at all.

GREED is another powerful weapon of containment. Blacks, since the abolition of slavery, have had large amounts of money at their disposal. Last year they spent 10 billion dollars during Christmas, out of their 450 billion dollars in total yearly income (2.22%).Any of us can use them as our target market, for any business venture we care to dream up, no matter how outlandish, they will buy into it. Being primarily a consumer people, they function totally by greed. They continually want more, with little thought for saving or investing.They would rather buy some new sneaker than invest in starting abusiness. Some even neglect their children to have the latest Tommy or FUBU, And they still think that having a Mercedes, and a big house gives them "Status" or that they have achieved their Dream.They are fools! The vast majority of their people are still in poverty because their greed holds them back from collectively making better communities.With the help of BET, and the rest of their black media that oftenbroadcasts destructive images into their own homes, we will continue to see huge profits like those of Tommy and Nike.(Tommy Hilfiger has even jeered them, saying he doesn't want their money, and look at how the fools spend more with him than ever before!). They'll continue to show off to each other while we build solid communities with the profits from our businesses that we market to them.

SELFISHNESS, ingrained in their minds through slavery, is one of the major ways we can continue to contain them. One of their own, Dubois said that there was an innate division in their culture. A "Talented Tenth" he called it. He was correct in his deduction that there are segments of their culture that has achieved some "form" of success. However, that segment missed the fullness of his work. They didn't read that the "Talented Tenth" was then responsible to aid The Non-Talented Ninety Percent in achieving a better life. Instead, that segment hascreated another class, a Buppie class that looks down on their people or aids them in a condescending manner. They will never achieve what we have. Their selfishness does not allow them to be able to work together on any project or endeavor of substance. When they do get together, their selfishness lets their egos get in the way of their goal Their so-called help organizations seem to only want to promote their name without making any real change in their community.They are content to sit in conferences and conventions in our hotels, and talk about what they will do, while they award plaques to the best speakers, not to the best doers. Is there no end to their selfishness? They steadfastly refuse to see that TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE (TEAM)They do not understand that they are no better than each other because of what they own, as a matter of fact, most of those Buppies are but one or two pay checks away from poverty. All of which is under the control of our pens in our offices and our rooms.Yes, we will continue to contain them as long as they refuse to re ad, continue to buy anything they want, and keep thinking they are "helping" their communities by paying dues to organizations which do little other than hold lavish conventions in our hotels. By the way, don't worry about any of them reading this letter, remember, 'THEY DON'T READ!!!!

(Prove them wrong. Please pass this on! After Reading it..)

(((((((((((((((((((((MY RESPONSE)))))))))))))))))))))

criticize me ... agree with me ... whatever, just voice your opinion.

It is sad but I believe that the majority if not all of what this man is saying has a heartbreaking truth to it. We as black people do need to do more and become more educated. Not only do we need to become more educated but we should actually use the knowledge we acquire to get ahead. Instead we sit back in our houses with our fancy (meaningless) gadgets and what-nots like we own the world. Why is it that when we get a paycheck we may run out and buy rims, jewelry, a fresh pair of sneakers ... all just to please the public eye?? I can't even begin to tell you how sick I am of turning on the TV to see one with million dollar cars, a garage that looks like a car lot, and a house big enough to provide quarters for every homeless person on earth. Is this what all of our forefathers fought for? So many years were spent in the fight for our equal rights and for us to be treated the same, not inferior but we CHOOSE to put ourselves in positions to be downgraded and disrespected.

Would it hurt to pick up a book? Would it hurt to browse through a newspaper other than buying a magazine so you can flip straight to the gossip section to read about people who not only will you ever meet in your life, but people that couldn't care less about who you are or what you do? (you spend your money and it goes straight into their pocket… think about it.) Better yet would it hurt to take a few minutes out of your day to stand In line and Vote for the person that WILL influence YOU one way or another in the future? I'd bet my life savings that the majority of us wouldn't even be able to name two people running for office. I'd also bet that most of those who viewed this article DID NOT read it because it looks like too many words…. (Why are we so Lazy?)

Public grade school education is FREE… yet WE still drop out, And for what? Because you didn't feel like turning in your English paper? Or better yet, you just didn't feel like going …after all school is for idiots right?!? Come on! Even then after graduating high school, instead of attempting to go to college you tell yourself that you will not get accepted and make up numerous excuses NOT to apply (not because you actually believe you wouldn't get accepted but simply because you don't want to go…you feel that 13 years of school is enough (after all you're already making ends meet with your job at McDonalds right? Did you know that an even below average African American has a better chance of getting into a well known college (Private of Public) than would a well achieved Caucasian?? Why? …Simply because of the fact that we are a minority… It's not right but again the opportunity is there yet we pass it up because we are stubborn and nonetheless ignorant. Sad enough that we are this way but what's worse is that we pass these senseless views and morals on to our children.

If none of this applies to you, I would suspect you are one to look to your neighbor and encourage them to look beyond themselves...look beyond their own ignorance, prejudgment, and greed and see their world and environment for what it truly is… Then and only then can something be done about it.

Why is it that when another walks into a room (not pleasing to your eyes) you are quick to bad mouth them and almost instantly cut off any possibility of getting to know who this person really is inside. Why do looks matter so much? Why do possessions matter so much? Why is it that two black women can't sit in a room together without secretly wanting to be more beautiful, wealthier, popular (the list goes on)…than the other. Why do we let envy run our lives? Why is it that two black men from opposite sides of a town are unable to meet without conflict.
I am not for one second suggesting that I don't acknowledge the fact that other races have their own flaws as well... but is that ample enough excuse to dismiss our own? I think not. Many people will be angry and mostly because they are unable to look beyond the fact I am in a sense "talking about" black people... But come on WAKE UP! You cannot and will not fix a problem without first acknowledging that one exists. Stop making excuses.

Instead of bonding together for the better, we pull each other down like crabs in a bucket. If we invested even a quarter of the energy we used causing problems into a cause (a genuine cause), we as a people would have more credibility, wealth (not riches), and most importantly more peace and happiness.